Saturday, August 31, 2013

CELEBRATE August 31, 2013

The date, August 31st marks the happiest day of my life, the day my daughter, Christine Elizabeth was born. I shall never forget the joy on that day, and it continues. Balloons floated by my condo this morning to mark the occasion. It is a day to celebrate, dinner with friends, stories, laughter, refection, time together.

Enjoy the day my friends.

Friday, August 30, 2013

August 30, 2013

St Mary church Barrington.jpg
                                                                   St Mary's Church
                                                                 Somerset, Barrington

You may think an ancient church is a strange way to begin a "blog"... unattractive this is not a "blog" but a journal of my trip to Barrington, Somerset, England to find out if the conditions of Johan Bicknell's will written in 1621, were honoured. It amazes me that a woman wrote a will in 1621, and even more amazing that she had something of her own to bequeath to her family. 

 Johan wrote; "...I Johan Bicknell of Barington, in ye Countie of Somst ...Do make this my Testament.. I give and bequeth my soule into the hands of Almighty God, my body to be buried in the church yard at Barrington as neer my husband's grave as conveniently may be...."
And so, I'll soon be off to visit family and friends and I hope to learn more about Johan Bicknell, an ancestor whose life fascinates me. I know little about her but as I walk in her footsteps I'll listen for her voice whispering family secrets to me, and leading me to interesting places.